Main Page / Bez kategorii / “What after theater?” Meeting on new languages of art
“What after theater?” Meeting on new languages of art

Dear Spectators, on Saturday, November 26 at 12 pm in the Central Zone (Katowice City of Gardens) we are organizing a meeting entitled “What after theater? On the search for new languages of art”.

Participants of the meeting will be directors and director of the performances competing for the Konrad Laurel: Wiktor Baginski, Damian Josef Neć, Jakub Skrzywanek, Jagoda Szelc, Michal Telega.

Moderated by: Miłosz Markiewicz

Does the language of theater today remain sufficient to talk about the most pressing issues of the modern world? How to change reality through art? These are just some of the questions we would like to ask the directors and directors of the competition performances. Their voices have not without reason been chosen as the most interesting in the theatrical art of the young generation – for they are the ones who will set the tone for the next artistic seasons in Polish theater. So how do they envision the future of the art? What would they like to change, and what would they like to keep from the world left to them by the “masters”?

We invite you, admission is free.

Kategoria: Bez kategorii

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