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The master performance will conclude “Interpretations”

The master performance “Imagine” directed by Krystian Lupa (co-production of Teatr Powszechny in Warsaw and Teatr Powszechny in Lodz) will conclude the 21st edition of the INTERPRETATIONS festival. It will be shown twice – on Saturday, November 26 and Sunday, November 27. There are still tickets for the Sunday show.


“Imagine”, directed by Krystian Lupa, is an artistic journey to the world of counterculture, the time of identity and cultural revolution of the late 1960s and early 1970s.

Starting from the lyrics of John Lennon’s song “Imagine”, Krystian Lupa asks the question about the viability of utopia in a world where spirituality has been commercialized or politicized, and humanistic values, human rights, equality and individual freedom have been devalued.

The director returns to the New Age psychological-spiritual phenomenon and the life and work of John Lennon, who as the “new Christ” of the hippie era proposed to imagine a world without wars, states and borders, without hatred and property, but also without religion.

Do visions native to the New Age sound only naïve today? Is belief in the infinite evolution of humanity and metaphysics a pipe dream, or is it nevertheless an eternal need of humanity? Why did the pacifist idea fail so quickly in the 1970s? Does the opportunity for spiritual transformation increase in times of crisis?

Last tickets for Sunday are available for purchase at the Silesian Theater box office and through the theater’s website.

Kategoria: Bez kategorii

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