Main Page / Bez kategorii / On Saturday, the Final Gala of the XXI edition of “Interpretations”
On Saturday, the Final Gala of the XXI edition of “Interpretations”

On Saturday, after the master show of “Imagine” – around 10:30 pm at the Silesian Theater (Large Stage) – the Final Gala of the 21st National Festival of Directing Art INTERPRETATIONS will be held.

During the gala the following awards will be given:

Main Prize – the Konrad Laurel:

The Konrad Laurel – the award will be given to the director of the performance presented in the main competition, who will receive at least 3 votes from the five-member jury. This year they consist of: Katarzyna Kozyra, Anna Maria Potocka, Lech Majewski, Tadeusz Słobodzianek, Rudolf Zioło.

Each juror has a prize of PLN 10,000.

Award in the competition of television performances:

The director of the best competition performance is awarded by a three-member jury chaired by Wojciech Majcherk.

The award is PLN 7 thousand.

Award in the radio play competition:

The director of the best competition radio play is awarded by a three-person jury chaired by Janusz Kukuła.

The award is PLN 7 thousand.

Audience Award:

Awarded to the director of the play voted for by the audience during the festival.

The award is PLN 10 thousand.

Its founder in 2022 is Marcin Krupa – Mayor of the City of Katowice.

Theater Journal Award:

An award for an actor or actress for the best role created in a competition performance, given by Ryszard Klimczak – editor-in-chief of the oldest theater vortal operating in Katowice.

This is an award in kind.

Kategoria: Bez kategorii

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