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Michał Centkowski on the advisory committee
Michał Centkowski

In the work on the XXII edition of the National Festival of Directing Art INTERPRETATIONS, a special committee advises on artistic matters.

Among its members is Mr. Michał Centkowski.

Michał Centkowski is a graduate of cultural studies at the University of Silesia. He is a publicist, curator, theater reviewer for the weekly Przegląd. From 2012 to 2014 he published columns in, and reviews as part of the New Critical Force. From 2014 to 2023, he was a reviewer for the weekly Newsweek Polska. He has collaborated with Onet, Dwutygodnik, Monitor, Notatnik Teatralny, the monthly Teatr and Deutsches Theater Magazine, among others. Since 2013, he has been a member of the “Golden Masks” committee. Laureate of the Andrzej Żurowski competition for Young Theater Critics, juror of the Polityka Passports in the field of Theater. Member of the Artistic Commission of the XXIV All-Polish Competition for the Staging of Polish Contemporary Art. As a curator, he co-created the program of the Bydgoszcz Premiere Festival, and the Divine Comedy in Cracow. He is the editor of several books, including “Teatromania: theater in the city, city in the theater.” He has served as a jury member at, among others, the International Festival of New Theater in Rzeszow, and the National Festival of Contemporary Drama “Rzeczywistość Przedstawiona”. In his journalistic activity, he also takes up topics related to cultural policy, financing of public cultural institutions. He publishes in the Polish edition of Vogue magazine.

The commission advises the organizers of the INTERPRETATIONS festival in selecting the titles of the performances in the competition for the Konrad Laurel, master performances and in preparing the program of accompanying events.

The composition of the new advisory committee of the INTERPRETATIONS festival also includes Ms. Dorota Buchwald and Ms. Katarzyna Niedurny.

The upcoming edition of INTERPRETATIONS is scheduled between November 18 and 24, 2024.

Kategoria: Bez kategorii

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