Drector of Katowice Miasto Ogrodów – Instytucja Kultury im. Krystyny BochenekPiotr Zaczkowski

Main coordinator, executive producer of the festival: Dariusz Wiktorowicz
Curator of festival publications: Waldemar Szymczyk
Curator of the competition of television plays: Wojciech Majcherek
Curator of the competition radio plays of the Polish Radio TheatreJanusz Kukuła
The committee qualifying performances for the Konrad Laurel award: Dorota Buchwald, Michał Centkowski, Katarzyna Niedurny
Spokesperson: Łukasz Kałębasiak
Website and social media: Marta Odziomek
Video producer: Maciej Przybylski
Visual identificationMarian Oslislo, M-Studio