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Audience Award. Voting rules

It is a tradition that during the INTERPRETATIONS Festival, the award for the director of the competition performance about Konrad’s Laurel is awarded not only by the jurors but also by the audience. This year, its sponsor is the Mayor of Katowice, Marcin Krupa. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the rules of the prize and the voting formula.

Statute awards of the President of the City of Katowice in the public contest at the XXI National Festival of Directing Art “Interpretations” 2022

§ 1

The organizer of the audience competition, hereinafter referred to as the “competition”, is Katowice City of Gardens – Institution of Culture. Krystyna Bochenek – Organizational Office of the 21st National Festival of Directing Art “Interpretations”, taking place from November 21 to 27, 2022 in Katowice.

§ 2

The aim of the competition is to reward the director selected by the audience for the best direction of the performance, out of 5 theatrical performances nominated for the festival review and presented from 21 to 25 November 2022.

§ 3

The entire program of the Festival and all information about the competition performances can be found on the Festival website:

§ 4

The prize of the Mayor of Katowice is of a monetary nature with a gross value of PLN 10,000 (ten thousand zlotys gross).

§ 5

Competition’s rules: Voting will take place via the google form, to which the generated QR code will be redirected, placed in the place where the competition performances take place. The viewer votes by sending an answer in the form, marking the rating of the performance on a scale of 1 to 5. The organizer monitors the voting process. Voting will be possible until November 25, 2022. until 23:59. The competition will be settled and the results will be announced on November 26, 2022 at the award ceremony.

§ 6

The following rules for awarding the Prize are established: Only theatrical performances that are presented are subject to audience evaluation as part of the Competition at the Festival; You can only vote using the google form; In order to vote correctly, you need to rate the performances in the form with the following values: 1 (very poor), 2 (poor), 3 (average), 4 (good), 5 (excellent), and then submit the answers of the form.
Near the hall where the performance takes place, there will be QR codes that will redirect you to the form; The assessment of the performance is determined on the basis of the arithmetic mean – summing up all the ratings awarded to the performance and dividing it by the number of votes for him. The performance rating is rounded up to two decimal places. In the event that several performances have the same average, the show with the most votes cast for it is considered the winner. In the event that several performances have the same average and the number of votes cast for them, the Organizer decides about the winner.

§ 7

The competition supervisory committee consists of representatives from: Katowice City Hall. Festival Organizing Office.

§ 8

These regulations will be made available to the participants of the competition for inspection at the Organizing Office.

Kategoria: Bez kategorii

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