Katarzyna Niedurny
In the work on the XXII edition of the National Festival of Directing Art INTERPRETATIONS, a special committee advises on artistic matters.
Among its members is Katarzyna Niedurny.
Katarzyna Niedurny is a theatrologist and journalist. She constantly cooperates with dwutygodnik.com. She publishes in numerous trade and general media. Together with Katarzyna Waligóra, she co-hosts the Podcast about Theater.
The commission advises the INTERPRETATIONS festival organizers in selecting the titles of plays in the competition for the Konrad Laurel, master performances and in preparing the program of accompanying events.
The new advisory committee of the INTERPRETATIONS festival is also composed of Mr. Michał Centkowski and Ms. Dorota Buchwald.
The upcoming edition of INTERPRETATIONS is scheduled between November 18 and 24, 2024.