November 12-18, 2018
Monday, November 12, 2018.
Department of Radio and Television Krzysztof Kieślowski, University of Silesia in Katowice, Św. Pawła 3.
Time: 10.00 am – Screening room
The beginning of the Festival.
Competition Radio Listening; Stanisław Wyspiański, “Warszawianka”, adapted and directed by Wawrzyniec Kostrzewski (54 min).
Time: 11.10 am
Short feature film; “Nic nowego pod słońcem”, directed by Damian Kocur (25 min).
Time: 11.45 am
Documentary; “Biało-czerwoni z Chrząstawy”, directed by Krystian Kamiński (53 min).
Meeting with prof. Andrzej Fidyk, curator of the presentation of documentary films.
Time: 12.45 pm
Television performances competition; production of WFDiF, realized as part of the Teatroteka cycle.
Robert Urbański, “Porwać się na życie”, directed by Michał Szcześniak (56 min).
Time: 2.30 pm
“Polonia Restituta”; 100th Anniversary of Poland’s regaining of Independence, radio play of the Polish Radio Theater; “Komendant niezłomny”, directed by Waldemar Modestowicz.
Youth Palace in Katowice, Mikołowska 26.
Time: 4.00 pm
Competition performance; Magda Fertacz, “Puppenhaus. Kuracja”, directed by Jędrzej Piaskowski, TR Warszawa (90 min).
Auditorium, Katowice. City of Gardens – Institution of Culture. Krystyny Bochenek, pl. Sejmu Śląskiego 2.
Time: 6.30 pm
The ceremonial start of the 19th National Festival of Directing Art INTERPRETATIONS 2018 in Katowice.
Master performance; “Wyjeżdżamy”, directed by Krzysztof Warlikowski, based on the play by Hanoch Levin, ‘We pack manatki’, Nowy Teatr in Warsaw (210 minutes).
Room 211 – After the performance, the meeting of the authors with the audience.
Tuesday, November 13, 2018.
Department of Radio and Television Krzysztof Kieślowski, University of Silesia in Katowice, Św. Pawła 3.
Time: 10.00 m- Projection Room
Competition performance from the Polish Radio Theater; Franciszek Bohomolec, “Małżeństwo z kalendarza”, adaptation, directing and compilation of music by Jarosław Tumidajski (54 min).
Time: 11.10 am
Short feature film; “Sweet Home Czyżewo”, directed by Jakub Radej (25 min).
Time: 11.45 am
A short documentary; “Proch”, directed by Jakub Radej (24 min).
Time: 12.20 pm
Television productions competition, production of WFDiF, realized as part of the Teatroteka cycle.
Elżbieta Chowaniec “Gardenia 47”, directed by Wojciech Urbański (47 min).
Time: 1.20 pm
Lecture by prof. Zbigniew Kadłubek (University of Silesia); “Athens Polis as a place of theatrical interpretations”.
Time: 2.10 pm
“Polonia Restituta”; 100th anniversary of Poland’s regaining of Niepodległości, radio play of the Polish Radio Theater, Andrzej Sowa “Listopad”, directed by Janusz Kukuła (54 min).
Meeting with Janusz Kukuła, the main director and director of the Polish Radio Theater.
Silesian Theater St. Wyspiański, Rynek 10
Time: 7.00 pm
Competition performance; “Chłopi”, according to Stanisław Władysław Reymont, directed by Krzysztof Garbaczewski, Teatr Powszechny im. Zygmunt Hübner in Warsaw (190 min).
After the performance, the meeting of the authors with the audience.
Wednesday, November 14, 2018.
Department of Radio and Television Krzysztof Kieślowski, University of Silesia in Katowice, Św. Pawła 3.
Time: 10.00 am- Screening room
Competition performance from the Polish Radio Theater; Weronika Murek, “Uprawa rośllin południowych metodą Miczurina”, directed by Julia Mark (54 min).
Time: 11.00 am
Short feature film; “Szczękościsk” directed by Kordian Kądziela (30 min).
Time: 11.30 am
A short documentary; “Casting”, directed by Klaudia Kęska (20 min).
Time: 11.50 am
A short documentary; “Gdybym tylko był pająkiem”, directed by Katarzyna Warzecha, Alex Casianov, Martyna Majewska (18 min)
Time: 12.20 pm
Television productions competition, production of WFDiF, realized as part of the Teatroteka cycle.
Magdalena Miecznicka, “Spalenie Joanny”, directed by Agata Baumgart (51 min).
Time: 1.20 pm
“Polonia Restituta”; The 100th anniversary of regaining independence by Poland, radio play of the Polish Radio Theater, Wojciech Brodnicki, “Droga do Wersalu”, directed by Sławomir Pietrzykowski.
Time: 2.15 pm
Lecture by dr. Jakub Papuczys (Jagiellonian University); “Thriller in the last seconds, or a few words about the drama of a sports performance”.
Youth Palace in Katowice, Mikołowska 26.
Time: 6.00 pm
Competition performance; Delmore Schwartz; “In Dreams Begin Responsibilities” (directed by Magda Szpecht, Teatr im. Juliusz Słowacki in Krakow (65 min).
Time: 8.30 pm
Competition performance; Delmore Schwartz “In Dreams Begin Responsibilities” (directed by Magda Szpecht, Teatr im. Juliusz Słowacki in Krakow
(65 min).
After the performance, the meeting of the authors of the show with the audience.
Thursday, November 15, 2018.
Department of Radio and Television Krzysztof Kieślowski, University of Silesia in Katowice, Św. Pawła 3.
Time: 10.00 am- Screening room
Competition performance from the Polish Radio Theater; Michał Zdunik; “Gate 0”, director and musician Michał Zdunik (54 min).
Time: 11.10 am
Short feature film, “Chwila”, directed by Piotr Domalewski (15 min).
Time: 11.45 am
Documentary film, “Sonda o kobietach”, directed by Mateusz Głowacki (30 min).
Time: 12.25 pm
Television productions competition, production of WFDiF, realized as part of the Teatroteka cycle.
Amanita Muskaria, “Cicha noc”, directed by Paweł Paszta (45 min).
Time: 1.15 pm
“Polonia Restituta”; 100th anniversary of Poland’s regaining of Independence, radio play of the Polish Radio Theater, Krystyna Broll-Jarecka; “Argument ostateczny” (section 1-4, about Wojciech Korfanty), directed by Zdzisław Dąbrowski (54 min).
Time: 4.00 pm
Lecture by dr. hab. Marcin Napiórkowski (University of Warsaw); “Who is lurking behind the scenes? Theater metaphors in politics, popular culture and conspiracy theories. ”
Silesian Theater St. Wyspiański, Rynek 10
Time: 7.00 pm
Competition performance; Marta Sokołowska “Reykjavík’74”, directed by Katarzyna Kalwat, Teatr Dramatyczny im. W. Horzyca in Toruń (95 min).
After the performance, the meeting of the authors of the show with the audience.
Friday, November 16, 2018.
Department of Radio and Television Krzysztof Kieślowski, University of Silesia in Katowice, ul. St. Pawła 3.
Time: 10.00 am – Screening room
Competition performance from the Polish Radio Theater; Tamara Antonijević, “Pewnego dnia wszystko to zmieści się w mniejszej torebce”, directed by Małgorzata Wdowik (54 min).
Time: 11.10 am
Short feature films:
“Szczur” directed by Anna Urbańczyk (12 min).
“Magma” directed by Paweł Maślona (30 min).
Meeting with Michał Rosa, curator of the presentation of short feature films.
Time: 12.30 pm
Short documentary film “Pasdar”, directed by Grzegorz Piekarski (14 min).
Documentary film “Tama”, directed by Natalia Koniarz (22 min).
Meeting with Beata Dzianowicz and Andrzej Fidyk, curators of documentary films presentation.
Time: 1.15 pm
Television productions competition, production of WFDiF, realized as part of the Teatroteka cycle.
Magdalena Drab, “Słabi”, directed by Arek Biedrzycki (60 min).
Meeting with Wojciech Majcherk, curator of the competition show of television shows, production of WFDiF, realized as part of the Teatroteka series.
Time: 14.30 pm
“Polonia Restituta”; 100th anniversary of Poland’s regaining of Niepodległości, radio play of the Polish Radio Theater, Zygmunt Nowakowski, “Gałązka rozmarynu”, directed by Andrzej Zakrzewski.
TIme: 4.00 pm
Lecture by dr. Tomasz Plata (Theater Academy in Warsaw); “Does post-theater require post-direction?”.
Silesian Theater St. Wyspiański, Rynek 10
Time: 7.00 pm
Competition performance; “Zakonnice odchodzą po cichu” directed by Daria Kopiec, based on the motifs of Marta Abramowicz’s book, Teatr im. J. Kochanowski in Opole (75 min).
After the performance, the meeting of the authors with the audience.
Saturday, November 17, 2018.
Silesian Theater St. Wyspiański, Chamber Stage, Warszawska 2
Time: 12.00 am
“Directing is a woman”, a discussion meeting with theater directors, leading prof. Joanna Krakowska (Polish Academy of Sciences).
Theater Without a Scene by Andrzej Dopierała, 3 Maja 11
Time: 2:00 pm
TV recording screen; “Bzik Tropikalny” according to Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz, directed by Grzegorz Jarzyna.
Polish Television S.A., 1999, 100 min.
Time: 4.00 pm
TV recording screen; Hanoch Levin “Krum”, directed by Krzysztof Warlikowski.
TVP Kultura, 2007, 180 min.
Silesian Theater St. Wyspiański, Chamber Stage, Warszawska 2
Time: 7.00 pm
Monodrama based on “Oni”, Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz, “On”, director and stage designer Radosław Maciąg. It is the work of students of the Theater Arts Academy. St. Wyspiański in Krakow. The performance was awarded at the 8th Young Leadership Forum. (40 min).
Sunday, November 18, 2018.
Silesian Theater St. Wyspiański, Chamber Scene, Warszawska 2
Time: 12.00 am
Screening of the documentary about the theater of Konrad Swinarski; “Lot” directed by Krzysztof Miklaszewski.
TVP Kraków, 1999, (35 min).
Time: 12.45 pm
Meeting with Jerzy Trela. A talk about Konrad Swinarski’s theater.
Time: 2:00 pm
Discussion panel with:
Andy Rottenberg, Ewa Braun, Grzegorz Jarzyna, Krzysztof Majchrzak, Piotr Cieplak, Olo Walicki.
Time: 3.00 pm
Screening of a documentary on the work of Konrad Swinarski (1929-1975); “Fidelity to volatility. On the Theater of Konrad Swinarski, directed by Krzysztof Domagalik.
TVP, 1981, 90 min.
Auditorium, Katowice. City of Gardens – Institution of Culture. Krystyny Bochenek, pl. Sejmu Śląskiego 2.
Time: 6.00 pm
Master performance; Marius von Mayenburg, “Meczennicy”, directed by Grzegorz Jarzyna, TR Warszawa (120 min).
Time: 8.00 pm
Gala of awarding the XIX National Festival of Directing Art INTERPRETATIONS 2018 in Katowice.