Friday, November 16, 2018.
Department of Radio and Television Krzysztof Kieślowski, University of Silesia in Katowice, ul. St. Pawła 3.
Time: 10.00 am – Screening room
Competition performance from the Polish Radio Theater; Tamara Antonijević, “Pewnego dnia wszystko to zmieści się w mniejszej torebce”, directed by Małgorzata Wdowik (54 min).
Time: 11.10 am
Short feature films:
“Szczur” directed by Anna Urbańczyk (12 min).
“Magma” directed by Paweł Maślona (30 min).
Meeting with Michał Rosa, curator of the presentation of short feature films.
Time: 12.30 pm
Short documentary film “Pasdar”, directed by Grzegorz Piekarski (14 min).
Documentary film “Tama”, directed by Natalia Koniarz (22 min).
Meeting with Beata Dzianowicz and Andrzej Fidyk, curators of documentary films presentation.
Time: 1.15 pm
Television productions competition, production of WFDiF, realized as part of the Teatroteka cycle.
Magdalena Drab, “Słabi”, directed by Arek Biedrzycki (60 min).
Meeting with Wojciech Majcherk, curator of the competition show of television shows, production of WFDiF, realized as part of the Teatroteka series.
Time: 14.30 pm
“Polonia Restituta”; 100th anniversary of Poland’s regaining of Niepodległości, radio play of the Polish Radio Theater, Zygmunt Nowakowski, “Gałązka rozmarynu”, directed by Andrzej Zakrzewski.
TIme: 4.00 pm
Lecture by dr. Tomasz Plata (Theater Academy in Warsaw); “Does post-theater require post-direction?”.
Silesian Theater St. Wyspiański, Rynek 10
Time: 7.00 pm
Competition performance; “Zakonnice odchodzą po cichu” directed by Daria Kopiec, based on the motifs of Marta Abramowicz’s book, Teatr im. J. Kochanowski in Opole (75 min). After the performance, the meeting of the authors with the audience.