During the festival we will also present five radio plays of the Polish Radio Theater. They were directed by young directors too. Director of the best radio play will receive a special award.
Radio plays produced by Teatr Polskiego Radia presented at the Interpretations Festival of the Art of Directing
1.Stanisław Wyspiański: “Warszawianka”
Premiere: 1 March 2018
Adaptation and direction: Wawrzyniec Kostrzewski
Music: Mateusz Wachowiak
Production: Andrzej Brzoska
Actors: Maciej Babicz, Przemysław Bluszcz, Karolina Charkiewicz, Adam Ferency, Michał Klawiter, Dominika Kluźniak, Anna Lemieszek, Agata Różycka, Olga Sarzyńska, Dawid Ściupidro, Hanna Skarga and Marcin Stępniak
Duration: 44 minutes
Its quest for new texts and authors aside, Teatr Polskiego Radia constantly resorts to the classics. “Warszawianka” is a radio play based on a drama by one of the most important Polish playwrights, directed by one of the most important directors of the young generation. The director did not oppose the tradition of staging Wyspiański’s pieces. He sought to distil from the text not only the drama of the represented situation but also the psychological motivation behind characters’ actions, the tragedy of the historical situation, and the critical political connotations pointed to by the author. This resulted in a radio play that is raw and real. The director reads the poet’s words with utmost attention.
2.Franciszek Bohomolec: “Małżeństwo z kalendarza”
Premiere: 2 April 2017
Adaptation, direction and music production: Jarosław Tumidajski
Acoustic production: Andrzej Brzoska
Actors: Jerzy Radziwiłowicz, Danuta Stenka, Monika Pikuła, Katarzyna Dąbrowska, Piotr Polak, Rafał Zawierucha, Grzegorz Kwiecień, Jakub Kamieński and Sławomir Orzechowski
Duration: 45 minutes
A completely original take on the old piece. Now probably known only to the researchers of the 18th-century literature, Bohomolec’s comedy was a trampoline Jarosław Tumidajski uses to explore the modern time. He humorously shows how much today’s ‘hipster community’ takes after the ways of the so-called elites of the society in the past. This is a smart comedy with carefully selected actors.
3.Weronika Murek: “Uprawa roślin południowych metodą Miczurina”
Premiere: 12 March 2017
Direction: Julia Mark
Acoustic production: Tomasz Perkowski
Music production: Mira Mańka
Actors: Lech Łotocki, Andrzej Mastalerz, Aleksandra Konieczna, Anna Gorajska, Mateusz Łasowski, Eliza Borowska, Ewelina Żak, Ewa Dałkowska, Adam Ferency, Magdalena Karel, Zofia Kołodziejczyk and Michał Rosiński
Duration: 42 minutes
The author lent her texts and themes from her short story collection, which a few years ago attracted a lot of attention, and the young director has turned the clumsy literature into a script that is both coherent and stylistically grotesque. The heroine is a girl who has survived… her own death. Or maybe it is just the mysterious narrator of that world that makes us stand above the common-sense view of various phenomena and look beneath the outer layer of reality? In that case, there might be no death at all. Both the author and the director take us on a trip to a land of poetic thinking, the world of folk magic and fantastic imagination that might be cruel at times.
4.Michał Zdunik: “Gate 0”
Premiere: 1 June 2017
Direction and music: Michał Zdunik
Acoustic production: Maciej Kubera
Actors: Katarzyna Dąbrowska, Marta Kurzak, Łukasz Borkowski, Wiktor Loga-Skarczewski and Jerzy Radziwiłowicz
Duration: 46 minutes
A radio debut of the young director who is a graduate of the Academy of Dramatic Art and an author of scripts executed at Polish Radio. “Gate 0” is a story of an apparently ordinary airplane journey that actually takes place at a strange airport. The voices of those who have been long gone return, as do recollections. Then resound the disquieting, vague messages from the air traffic control. What kind of journey is this? What is its direction? How about the destination? Is it a dream or not; is it a reality or some foggy, unreal vistas?
5.Tamara Antonijević: “Pewnego dnia wszystko to zmieści się w mniejszej torebce” (translation: Aleksandra Jakubczak)
Premiere: 19 March 2017
Co-production: The Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute
Direction: Małgorzata Wdowik
Acoustic production: Andrzej Brzoska
Sound composition: Ole Hübner
Actor: Katarzyna Wajda
A radio play recorded with the bi-natural method.
Duration: 37 minutes
“Pewnego dnia wszystko to zmieści się w mniejszej torebce” is a radio play produced in collaboration with the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute and based on a poetic piece by the Serbian author Tamara Antonijević. The musical part was composed by the acclaimed young composer Ole Hübner, and the whole thing directed by Małgorzata Wdowik.
It is a story about today’s world dominated by technology. It might be that anything we bring into the network, each picture, sound, thought and dream, will circulate in some ‘clouds’ until the end of the world. And those things will speak of us, in a good or bad way. The radio play does not follow a classical plot; it is more of a series of poetic images triggered by sounds – human voices, the sounds of a speech synthesizer (which, one day, may replace our voice in the media), the records of natural sounds and some disconcerting music. The feel of suggestive out-of-ordinariness is heightened by the special recording technique used by the director of audiography – the bi-natural technique. For this reason, the audience needs to use headphones to properly enjoy the sound dimension of the play.
Janusz Kukuła
President and head director of Teatr Polskiego Radia.
This piece is based on the materials from the website www.polskieradio.pl