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Regulations of the “Interpretations” Festival
Theaters and other organizations wishing to present their productions at the 2024 festival are encouraged to read the rules and regulations of the XXII National Festival of Directing Arts INTERPRETATIONS.

Regulations of the XXII National Festival of Directing Art “Interpretations” 2023/2024.

(1) These Regulations define the objectives and rules for the organization and implementation of the XXII National Festival of Directing Art “Interpretations” (hereinafter referred to as the Festival).
(2) The Festival will be held from November 18-24, 2024 in Katowice, Poland.
(3) The purpose of the Festival is:
(a) presentation and promotion of artists – theater directors;
(b) review on a competitive basis:
-theatrical plays;
-television plays produced by WFDiF within the Teatroteka program or other audiovisual works of an artistic spectacle nature;
-audiences of the Polish Radio Theater whose premieres took place between July 01, 2022 and June 30, 2024.
(c) presentation to the Katowice audience of at least one performance of the so-called Masterpiece, which has been recognized by critics and audiences as one of the most interesting theatrical works realized in Poland as well as abroad.
(d) to create a forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences of the theatrical community in the country.
(2) The organization and realization of the purpose of the Festival shall be achieved by:
(a) inviting theatrical performances directed by artists qualified to participate in the Festival on a competitive basis to be staged in Katowice on theatrical stages or in other spaces;
(b) presentation of theatrical performances realized by WFDiF within the framework of the Teatroteka project or other audiovisual works of an artistic spectacle nature;
(c) presentation of radio plays realized by the Polish Radio Theater – on a competitive basis;
(d) presentation of plays and other performance forms on the principles of events accompanying the festival program;
(e) to create conditions and opportunities for discussion of contemporary problems of directing art around the presented performances;
(f) to present to the festival audience the profiles of directors – participants of the festival;
(g) to conduct cultural education and disseminate knowledge in the field of theater art;
(h) to integrate the academic and student communities centered around art colleges.
(1) The organizer of the Festival is the Katowice City of Gardens – Krystyna Bochenek Cultural Institution in Katowice (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer or KMO).
(2) The Director of KMO shall manage the affairs of the Festival as specified in these Regulations with the assistance of members of the Festival Office.
(3) The chairman of the members of the Festival Office is the Chief Coordinator of the Festival;
(4) The Festival Organizing Office shall be located in the KMO building in Katowice at 2 Sejmu Śląskiego Square, room 413;
(5) the Director of KMO, may invite an advisory team, consisting of at least 2 members, to assist the Director and members of the Festival Office in consultations regarding the artistic program of the Festival.
(6) The Festival is held every two years and is a biennial event.
(1) The Festival has a competitive character. The Festival awards cash prizes for: the best theatrical director and the best director of a theatrical performance produced by the WFDiF within the Teatroteka project or other audiovisual works of an artistic performance and a radio play of the Polish Radio Theater.
(2) The director of the theatrical performance taking part in the competition presentation, who received an overwhelming number of votes of the Jury, shall be awarded the “Konrad Laurel” statuette – in accordance with point VI of the Regulations. VI of the Regulations.
(3) The following will be presented in the competition: theatrical performances (classical, contemporary, original dramas and adaptations realized by repertory, dramatic, institutional or private theaters), television plays, realized by the WFDiF within the Teatroteka project or other audiovisual works of the nature of an artistic performance and radio plays of the Polish Radio Theater, whose premieres took place on the territory of the Republic of Poland, in the period from July 01, 2022 to June 30, 2024.
(4) Only performances by directors whose theatrical debut has not passed more than 15 years will be eligible for the competition. This requirement applies to all the competition categories listed above.
(5) The Director invites a five-member Jury to evaluate the theatrical performances, television plays and radio plays of the Polish Radio theater qualified for the Festival.
(6) A member of the Jury may be a person professionally related to the substantive activities of the theater, i.e. a director, stage designer, composer, choreographer, playwright, theatrical designer, actor or theater director.
(7) Preselection of theatrical performances is carried out on the basis of the submitted video material of its registration.
(8) Theaters submitting performances to the pre-selection are required to send the recording in the form of a link or on other media.
(9) Qualification of theatrical performances for the competition will be on the basis of direct viewing of the performance by members of the advisory panel.
(10) The selection of the performance for the competition shall be decided by: KMO director together with members of the advisory team.
(11) Information on the qualification of theatrical performances for the competition will be communicated to the participants by the Organizer by July 05, 2024.
(12) the Organizer entrusts separate members of the advisory team to identify television performances produced by WFDiF within the framework of the Teatroteka project, TV or other audiovisual works of the nature of an artistic show, meeting the statutory criteria of the competition. A formal invitation to participate in the Festival to producers of theatrical performances realized by WFDiF within the framework of the Teatroteka project or other production entities that own the rights to the aforementioned works shall be made by the Organizer by February 05, 2024.
(13) The Organizer shall entrust separate members of the advisory panel to identify the plays of the Polish Radio Theater. Information on the qualification of the plays for the competition will be communicated to the participants by the Organizer by July 05, 2024.
(1) The Theatre whose performance is selected by the Festival Director and the advisory panel as a potential candidate to participate in the Festival shall be obliged to allow the Director and members of the advisory panel to enter the performance and view the show, on dates agreed by the Theatre with the Festival Organizing Office, under pain of exclusion of the performance from the competition.
(2) The qualification of a performance for the Festival obliges the theater that is staging the performance to immediately determine the technical conditions by arranging a technical visit by representatives of the Theater to accept the space in which the performance would be presented, along with the plan of the auditorium and determination of the number of spectators (sound system, type of lighting, layout of the stage and auditorium, props, revolving stage). Arrangement of the above conditions with the Competition Organizer will be made no later than September 30, 2024. Arrangements for space and technical conditions should be of a protocol nature and not subject to later changes.
(3) The qualification of the performance obliges the theater to immediately send informational and promotional materials of the performance (including 5 photos in appropriate resolution with the name of the photographer in the name of each file, a current note about the director of the performance, a note about the content of the performance, the cast, possibly other materials such as interviews, reviews and a trailer of the performance) with the right to use them free of charge for the needs of the Festival Organizing Office and the festival publication. The Festival Organizing Office will not return the submitted materials.
(4) Theater participating in the Festival agrees to:
(a) free recording of fragments of the staged performance and the possibility of taking photographic documentation during rehearsals and the performance for the use of advertising and promotion of the Festival,
(b) free placement of advertising and information materials sent and recorded during the performance in the press, festival publications, materials produced by local and national television, and on Internet portals,
(c) use of photos and fragments of recordings from performances to promote the performance during the Festival,
(d) in the case of theatrical performances produced by WFDiF within the framework of the Teatroteka project or other audiovisual works of the nature of an artistic performance and radio plays of the Polish Radio Theater – permission for gratuitous public performances during the Festival, under the terms and conditions agreed upon as a result of negotiations and signing an appropriate contract with the producer of the performances or other production entities that own the rights to the performances.
(5) The Theatre undertakes to include information about participation in the Festival in its own promotional materials, in particular on the Theatre’s website, social media (e.g. Facebook profile, etc.).
(6) Any and all rights and copyrights (royalties, licenses) related to the presented performance of television plays produced by WFDiF within the framework of the Teatroteka project and the Polish Radio Theatre’s radio plays shall be paid by the Organizer to the relevant entity.
(7) The director of a performance qualified for the competition is obliged to participate in the Festival on the date of presentation of his/her work, including, in particular, to participate in the meeting with the audience after the presentation and to be present during the announcement of the verdict by the jury at the end of the Festival.
(1) The terms and conditions under which the participants of the Festival shall perform shall be determined by contracts concluded between the participants of the Festival (persons representing theaters, producers of television performances produced by WFDiF within the framework of the Teatroteka project or other production entities that own the rights) and the Festival Organizer.
(2) The Organizer undertakes to:
(a) pay the remuneration for staging the theatrical performance within the Festival. The remuneration shall include all costs related to the presentation of the performance, including: artistic fees, remuneration of the technical team, employee per diems, transportation of persons and scenery, insurance costs, etc.; payment of the remuneration shall be made on the basis of the agreement and a correctly issued VAT invoice within 14 days after the presentation of the performance and delivery of a correctly issued invoice to the Organizer;
(b) to cover the cost of accommodation of members of the Theater’s team participating in the performance or its preparation – based on the hotel list provided by the Theater;
(c) reimbursement of the cost of royalties (ZAiKS or others) on net proceeds from ticket sales for the performance – according to the percentage specified in the contract with the Theater;
(d) provide parking space for trucks transporting scenery elements and coaches transporting theater companies.
(e) provide on the day of the performance and on the day of assembly and disassembly, free of charge, an auditorium for the staging of the performance, together with the staff necessary during the performance and rehearsal, and provide facilities and a heated dressing room – according to the Technical Rider attached to the contract with the Theater;
(f) ensure that the rules of health and safety and fire protection are observed on the premises where the performance will be staged.
(3) The Organizer shall not bear the costs associated with the purchase of props, including consumable props, used during the performances qualified for the competition.
(4) The organizer undertakes to cover the costs (ZAiKS or other copyrights) associated with the presentation of television performances produced by WFDiF within the Teatroteka project and radio plays of the Polish Radio Theater.
(1) The pool of prizes in the competition of theatrical performances for “Konrad’s Laurel” is a total of PLN 55,000.00. (in words: fifty-five thousand zlotys) gross. Five performances will qualify for the competition. Competition performances will be watched and evaluated by five Jurors for their work as directors. Each of the Jurors has 1/5 of this sum, i.e. 11,000 PLN gross, which they may distribute at their own discretion to the best director of the Festival.
(2) The Jurors shall announce their decision with justification during the Festival Final Gala. The director who receives awards from at least three jurors will become the winner of the XXII National Festival of Directing Art “Interpretations” and will receive the “Konrad Laurel” statuette.
(3) In the competition for the best directing of a television play realized by WFDiF within the Teatroteka project, the prize is PLN 8,000 (eight thousand) gross. Five productions are qualified for the competition.
(4) in the competition for the best directing of a radio play of the Polish Radio Theater, the award is PLN 8,000 (in words: eight thousand) gross. five radio plays qualify for the competition. Competition television plays and radio plays are judged by the same Jury. Voting takes place by majority vote.
(5) The jurors shall announce their decision with justification during the Final Gala.
(6) Journalists and theater critics accredited to the Festival may award their own autonomous prize.
(7) The audience award for the director of a theatrical performance, funded by the Mayor of the City of Katowice in the amount of PLN 10,000.00 (ten thousand) gross, shall be awarded on the basis of voting, by a majority of votes cast by the audience for a given performance.
(8) Legal and natural persons may present prizes funded by themselves after submitting a written proposal, which is submitted to the Director of KMO for approval.
(1) The Regulations are available on the website
(2) Amendments to the Rules may be made only in writing under pain of nullity by making them available on the above mentioned website.
(3) Doubts about the interpretation of the Rules and Regulations shall be made by the Director of KMO by making them available on the website of the Festival.
(4) The Regulations shall enter into force on November 3, 2023.

Festival Director Piotr Zaczkowski

Kategoria: Bez kategorii

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