Main Page / Bez kategorii / Jakub Skrzywanek received the Konrad Laurel of the 21st edition of INTERPRETATIONS
Jakub Skrzywanek received the Konrad Laurel of the 21st edition of INTERPRETATIONS
Fot. A. Ławrywianiec

Jakub Skrzywanek received the Konrad Laurel of the 21st edition of the All-Poland Festival of Directing Art INTERPRETATIONS 2022. The performance “Death of John Paul II” from the Polish Theater in Poznan received their votes from all members of the jury, consisting of: Katarzyna Kozyra, Maria Anna Potocka, Lech Majewski, Tadeusz Słobodzianek and Rudolf Zioło.

Each juror gave the director a “purse” with 11 thousand zlotys (gross). Thus, the award for Jakub Skrzywanek amounted to 55 thousand zlotys (gross).

Katarzyna Kozyra: – Saints should also be shown from the human side, and this performance revealed the earthly condition of the Polish Pope, hidden from us, to the maximum extent.

Maria Anna Potocka: – I found two important reflections in this play. There is something that realism put in the context of the powerful Vatican machinery turns out to be almost unbearable. Besides, according to the rules, sanctity requires makeup, avoiding something that is the dirt of suffering. From this makeup, holiness has been stripped away.

Tadeusz Slobodzianek: This is an important festival for Polish theater, it decides the fate of young people in the future. Faced with the choice before me, I choose Jakub Skrzywanek.

Lech Majewski: I won’t be original in the verdict… For the poignant consistency, simplicity, the power of rapture – which is very important in art. Congratulations.

Rudolf Zioło: This play shows the face of truth about the death and dying of the Pope.

-This is probably my first award in Poland since my debut, I am very touched and grateful. This performance is the result of several years of my work with excellent teams, so at the moment I’m thinking about the actors I worked with. Thousands of kilometers, hundreds of people from whom I learned so much. For this empathy and care I thank you,” said Jakub Skrzywanek while receiving the Konrad Laurel.

The Audience Award of PLN 10,000, funded by the Mayor of Katowice Marcin Krupa, went to Jagoda Szelc, director of the play “Machine” from the Hieronim Konieczka Polish Theater in Bydgoszcz.

Awards were also presented in the other two competitions held as part of the INTERPRETATIONS festival since 2018.

For directing the best competition radio play of the Polish Radio Theater, the award went to Jan Hussakowski for his radio play “Suicide of Solitude” by Neda Nezhdana. The director received an award of PLN 7 thousand.

For directing the best competition television play produced as part of the TEATROTEKA series carried out by the Documentary and Feature Film Studio in Warsaw, the award went to Julia Ruszkiewicz for her play “Hunting” by Ishbel Shatrawska. The director received an award of PLN 7,000.

The prize of the Theater Journal, awarded by Ryszard Klimczak – editor-in-chief of the theater vortal, went to Aleksandra Poplawska for her role in the play “Heart” directed by Wiktor Baginski from TR Warsaw. This is an award in kind (graphic design).

The festival’s artistic director is Ingmar Villqist, the institutional director is Piotr Zaczkowski. The festival is organized by the City of Katowice and Katowice City of Gardens – Krystyna Bochenek Cultural Institution.

Subsidized by the state budget – from funds of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

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